Trust is essential to emotional well-being. But, trust in yourself is above all else. Without the ability to rely on yourself and your intuition, your decisions can falter or turmoil may build up inside you. However, you can rebuild certainty with some practice! But first, you need to reflect and pinpoint the signs telling you to rebuild trust in yourself.
Decision Making is Difficult for You
“This or that? That or this?” Thoughts all-too-similar to the previous statements run through your mind constantly. You just can’t seem to make a choice! This keys you into the fact that you don’t trust your own decision-making skills.
Tip: Practice decision making at any turn you can. For example, when you’re at a restaurant, pick something and go with it. This may seem mundane but it rebuilds faith in your decision making.
You Rely On Others for Your Happiness
It is common to turn to others for love, guidance, and fun. But, it can get extreme when you start only being happy around others. This indicates that you do not trust yourself when alone, you don’t think you can create happiness or positive energy for yourself.
Tip: Do things you love, alone. Learn to be content in your own company.
You Think Negative Things About Yourself
Negative narratives surround us all through childhood and into our adult lives. “You can’t do that”, may rattle around in your brain and influence your ability to trust in your own abilities. If you find that the majority of your self-thoughts are negative, then you may not trust in your own dreams, thoughts, and talents.
Tip: Find something you were told you “couldn’t do” as a child, and do it! This practice will not only heal your inner child, but it will rebuild your trust in yourself.
You Minimize or Deny Your Needs
Putting others before yourself is admirable, but it can go beyond that when it starts to wear you down. If you find yourself minimizing your needs beyond what is ultimately comfortable, you may be relying on others' decision making and trust in themselves.
Tip: Try your hardest to voice your opinion on matters. For example, if you are with friends debating what coffee shop to go to, give you input! If they take it or they don’t at least you practiced giving your opinion and trusting that your needs are valued.
You Try to Control Your Surroundings
Controlling your surroundings to feel safe is a trauma response, but it is also an indicator that you don’t have trust in yourself or your decision making skills. If you feel the need to control everything and everyone around you, then you aren’t trusting that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You are thinking about worst case scenarios, and not allowing things to happen as they should.
Tip: To rebuild trust in yourself, try to let go of attachment to outcome. This is easier said than done, but by releasing control needs you can begin to trust in your impromptu skills.
You are Unable to Find or Value Your Voice
Unable to speak up, withholding your needs and opinions, and not knowing your true self all encompass an inability to find your voice. Your voice is important, it is valued, and it is the root of trusting yourself. If you have issues knowing who you are, it may be time to rebuild trust in yourself.
Tip: Practice self-love affirmations to allow your subconscious mind to trust you.
If you found yourself relating to any of these signs then practicing and rebuilding trust in yourself is must! By trusting yourself you will flow through life with more confidence and ease.